Moderate to Severe Active Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes long-lasting inflammation and ulcers (sores) in your digestive tract. Learn More

Phase: III

Time frame: 3 months

Age requirements: ≥18 and ≤80 years of age

Compensation: Up to $1,000

Key Inclusion Criteria:

  • Male or Female patients ≥18 and ≤80 years of age.
  • Have had an established diagnosis of UC of ≥3 months in duration before baseline (Week 0).
  • Must have an endoscopic evidence of UC and a histopathology report that supports a diagnosis of UC.
  • Documentation of a surveillance colonoscopy within 1 months before baseline or up-to date colorectal cancer surveillance.

Additional Criteria:
At screening visit, additional criteria will be reviewed to determine eligibility for the study. Qualified participants will receive study medication, medical care and compensation for the time and travel of each completed study visit.

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